The Chinese therapy balls have long been used in Chinese medicine as a way to stimulate acupuncture points in the hand and to loosen stiff joints. As someone who suffers from hand pain on occasion, I think that they’re a great way to improve mobility in your hands and fingers. A product designer by the name of Jiang Qian has combine this hand therapy gadget with a battery charger!
Essentially the balls convert rotational kinetic energy (i.e. movement) into electricity that chargers the batteries internally. As you move the balls around each other, they drive a tiny dynamo internally. You can tell if the AA or AAA battery is charged or not due to the built-in LED light. I just wonder how long it takes to charge up a single battery!?
Source: EcoFriend
Dan is a well-experienced author who is interested in exploring new things related to eco-friendly gadgets and technologies. He never lets any latest technology go off his sight. Being passionate about contributing to the clean environment, he writes articles on the latest renewable gadgets and other energy-saving technologies.