LG have launched a new phone called the LG GD510, nicknamed “Pop”, which is a touchscreen cellphone with a 3” WQVGA screen, large solar panel on the back, and a 3MP camera with autofocus technology. The LG GD510 has been designed to offer a rich, but limited, set of features in a compact and easy to use mobile phone, which is targeted at consumers who want a touchscreen phone without all the bells and whistles or the eye-watering price tag.
The LG GD510 Solar Panel case is now finally available! Just £24.99 plus delivery!
The phone comes with 8GB of file storage, which can be used for photos, videos or music. The internal camera is capable of recording video as well as taking photos. Video and photos can then be shared via the usual methods. The user interface has been designed with simplicity in mind, meaning you probably won’t need to read the user manual to get started.
The solar panel has been designed to top up the battery whilst the phone is not in use. However, full technical specifications on the solar panel are not currently available. LG GD510 will be available beginning in mid-October in Europe, followed by other markets.
The LG GD510 Solar Panel is now available for £24.99 plus delivery!
Dan is a well-experienced author who is interested in exploring new things related to eco-friendly gadgets and technologies. He never lets any latest technology go off his sight. Being passionate about contributing to the clean environment, he writes articles on the latest renewable gadgets and other energy-saving technologies.