The Energy Saver Power Monitor By Black & Decker is able to monitor your electrical use without you needing an electrician to wire the monitor in. The information is sent from the transmitter to a hand-held device that gives you an accurate minute by minute account of your electrical usage.
This Power Monitor is part of the Black & Deckers Energy Saver range of products. The transmitter part of the power monitor is placed onto the electricity meter, which can be outside. The transmitter is fully weatherproof, capable of working in both the heat of summer and the frosts of winter. It is meant to be compatible with 90% of all meter types. The transmitter though runs on a AA battery, so it may be worthwhile investing in a high-powered rechargeable battery to use in this device. No electrician is required to install the system as the transmitter interfaces with the meters without being directly wired into them.
The Power Monitor By Black & Decker can display your energy usage in dollars as well as by kilowatt-hours and can track your energy usage for the month to date, and give you a predicted bill cost for that month. By carefully tracking your energy usage it is thought you will be able to be more aware of appliances left on without need, or of what devices need updating to more energy-efficient models. By making these changes through being more aware of your usage you can save on your electrical costs, studies on this sort of device indicate that a saving of up to 20% can be made on a household's electrical bill.
The Energy Saver Power Monitor By Black & Decker is just $85.80 with free shipping.