Due to the fairly low light output of LEDs, it’s easy to see that LEDs offer great potential for micro-illumination, i.e. enough lighting for a very small area. LEDs offer very directional lighting, and this dictates what they can be used for without using special diffusers. However, Jason Bruges found a novel use for a wind-powered LED light and has used them to light up a tower in Southbank (London, UK).
The concept is novel, but somehow, I don’t expect there will be any new LED patents for this gadget. It’s essentially a dynamo connected to a couple of LED lights.
The 20cm wind turbine lights up with just a gentle breeze. The eco fan has a 6cm blade, which will light up the 2 LEDs at the back of the turbine. The turbine uses translucent plastic, and so the lights shine through. The turbine doesn’t have any batteries, so if it’s dark and still, the LEDs don’t light up.