Conventional fossil fuel costs are going through the roof at the moment all over the world. We need to find and use alternative and cheaper energy sources, particularly fuels that work with cars and other vehicles. The EFuel100 MicroFueler is essentially a home distillery that allows you to create your own ethanol supply using yeast and sugar. The process is completely environmentally friendly, as it’s a variation of the process used to make beer and wine.
If the source products are chosen carefully, the waste products will be completely biodegradable. You could probably use the waste products in a compost heap to rot down. This principle is a great one, as long as your overall energy output is greater than the input. When alcohol is burnt, the products are water and carbon dioxide, which are not toxic, although CO2 does contribute to climate change.
As long as cars can be converted to run on ethanol, I can imagine alcohol distilleries popping up all over the place.
Source: crave