The Eneloop Batteries are rechargable batteries with a difference, they are pre-charged ready for use and maintain a charge for a lot longer than conventional rechargeable batteries. The Eneloop batteries have recently been improved to allow them to last longer, retain charge for years, and to use eco-friendly energy for the pre-charge.
The Eneloop Rechargeable Batteries have been created by Sanyo. They are the first of their type in the industry to be pre-charged, allowing you to use them right out of the packet. They achieve this due to their ability to stay charged for years, an improved Eneloop battery will retain 75% of its charge after being stored for up to 3 years. This allows you to be able to charge your batteries once drained and leave them charged for use without worrying about their charge levels, helping to prevent unneeded energy top-ups.
The improved Eneloop batteries can be recharged roughly 1500 times, helping to extend their useful life significantly. The batteries are pre-charged through electricity from solar power, helping to add an additional green benefit to them. The Eneloop Rechargeable Batteries help you to use battery-powered devices with increased peace of mind. They achieve this by staying charged which helps to conserve energy needed to ensure working batteries, having a long life of use, and through using solar power for their pre-charge.
This Eneloop Battery Charger with Rechargeable Batteries is yours for just $30.99 and qualifies for free shipping too.