Soladey is a toothbrush that uses negative ions to kill any mouth bacteria, allowing you to clean your teeth without requiring any toothpaste. The negative ions are generated through the reaction of titanium with light and water, in some models of the soladey toothbrush a solar panel is additionally used to generate them.
Soladey Ionic Toothbrush has been developed by Dr. Kunio Komiyama at the University of Saskatchewan and has been manufactured by Japan's Shiken. The brush contains a titanium dioxide rod which runs from the bristle head (which can be easily replaced) down into the handle. This rod conducts and generates negatively charged ions (electrons). It achieves this through reacting with light and with the water from rinsing your brush before use (and from the saliva in your mouth). Some soladey models boost the amount of negative ions being generated by using a solar panel at the base of the toothbrush. This panel is connection to the titanium dioxide rod through a wire and sends additional negative ions through this.
The Soldey toothbrush will not function in the dark, it is thought to require roughly the same amount of light that a solar calculator requires to operate, which allows it to function in artificially lit rooms. The negative ions help to clean your mouth due to their ability to neutralize the acid of the plaque within the mouth and destroy the harmful bacteria.
Due to requiring no toothpaste, the brush can be used just about anywhere with ease. It can be taken with you camping or to work or school and be used effectively after a meal to help keep your mouth clean. Some may want to add a little toothpaste for minty breath, or add a drop of mint oil to the brush. There are some instances where the ability to clean your mouth without gaining minty breath can be an advantage, especially for those who dislike the taste of toothpastes. This solar toothbrush helps to make cleaning your mouth an easier activity to achieve anywhere and can help save money (and packaging etc) by not requiring toothpaste.
Source: Good Clean Tech