The SolarMature (odd name!) is a solar-powered desktop or bedside lamp that uses solar panels on the lampshade. The lamp is completely standalone and doesn’t need to be near a PowerPoint. It can be used in the garden or in the home, however, you need to make sure it gets plenty of sunlight if used indoors.
The lamp uses internal rechargeable batteries, which are charged via the solar panels. The light comes from bright LEDs. The lamp looks great, but I doubt that the amount of light output is practical though. Ah, and the design uses loads of plastic too! The lamp uses internal rechargeable batteries, which are charged via the solar panels. The light comes from bright LEDs. The lamp looks great, but I doubt that the amount of light output is practical though. Ah, and the design uses loads of plastic too!
Source: EcoFriend
Dan is a well-experienced author who is interested in exploring new things related to eco-friendly gadgets and technologies. He never lets any latest technology go off his sight. Being passionate about contributing to the clean environment, he writes articles on the latest renewable gadgets and other energy-saving technologies.