A great fact about American is 20 percent of their population which attends school every day. The school buildings are the largest constructions sector in the USA, which according to an estimate was $80 billion from 2006 to 2008. Overall these buildings are contributing to 40 percent of all the emissions every year in the United States. This shows that buildings are a major portion of global warming. But with the use of green school designs and constructions, we can get rid of the increasing population and rate of carbon dioxide contributed by these buildings.
Green schools are contributing to construct green, grow green, and educate green. Right from their clean ventilation system to study courses, it is taught about the preservation of our natural resources, wastage which is associated with our environment and how to clean them. Green schools' efforts have been started from the start of the 21st century when increasing pollution issues brought the attention of high authorities.
According to the Cost and benefits analysis for green schools of the United States 2206, green schools cost about less than 2 percent per square foot when you are going to construct a green school instead of a traditional school. In traditional schools, there are many old construction issues which must be addressed because we're contributing to the children's health damage and pollution for the whole atmosphere. Green schools are sound environmentally wise and provide measurable benefits that can affect the bottom line of finance and occupant.
Green schools are performing their role as teachers teaching about how to Go Green and preserve our wildlife. They demonstrate to the students as well as faculty members how to get ready for global warming to catch and crash at the moment, getting a healthier environment, and learning about the environment more cost-effectively.
When we are talking about the adoption of green schools methodology, there are more concerns about financial benefits to aware of the communities and faculties about it. For example;
Green schools are more environmental than our conventional schools due to many of the reasons involved. Currently, our atmosphere has been heavily damaged by pollution and the emission of poisonous gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Also, many toxic materials affect our lives as well as the marine and wildlife which is getting weaker and weaker by days. Here are some of the environmental benefits which we can achieve from the use of green schools or eco-schools techniques;
We visit schools to be exposed to unknown and new things. Learning about environments, basic knowledge of where we live, what we do, our purpose of life to a most complex environment where we have learned about medicines and engineering fields. It is evident a person would not go to school if he had learned everything before. But what about the school's environment and what are their contributions to save our atmosphere and how much they are contributing to renewable energy resources.
If they buy or generate their own renewable energy resources, they can switch from being supporters of global warming to removing of harmful extractive industries. All American colleges and universities are moving to generate power energy from clean and renewable resources. Currently, when oil and gas prices have been moved up, these decisions by schools are smarter and smarter.
Last years have shown rapid progress in middle and high schools to follow the trends of renewable energy resources. According to the Washington Post, more than 360 schools applied for Green schools certification as compared to 4 schools that applied for green schools certification in 2000. Schools' structures to modify for going green or to buy renewable energy and it aid the students’ performance. An example of this is WhitmoreSchool constructed in Michigan which turned and adopted the go green approaches. Installing from geothermal and cooling, heating to use of biodegradable and recycled materials have helped to minimize the pollution.
Mitchell and Moat, the architects are of the view that schools are public awareness places and can bring attention to the people. Parents know more about green building and the effects of geothermal energy resources. Eco-schools have thus green designs, natural lighting, and boost up of their children’s mood. The social benefits of schools including healthier lifestyles and recreations improved health and improved schools.
Anny spent most of her time dwelling on useful things, and she drives all her research visible through her articles. Most of her unique and challenging topics include product reviews and descriptions of eco-friendly products and technologies.