Nuclear Energy prospective to reduce global warming
The energy produced from fossils fuel including petrol, oil and other fossil products release sulpher and carbon dioxide into the air which are both much dangerous gases and polluting the air we breathe, these are not only polluting the environment but also the lives of living things on the globe.
Can nuclear power plants mitigate the effects of global warming?
Nuclear energy is used for the generation and production of electrical power. Therefore only possible way to reduce the emission of CO2 is if nuclear power plants are used instead of other CO2 emitting power production techniques. This is in particular the case for electrical generation plants fuelled by coal, oil or gas. The CO2 emission can indeed be reduced, if electrical power plants driven by fossil fuels are being replaced by nuclear plants. However the use of nuclear power unfortunately is highly problematic, therefore the problem of CO2 emissions must not be looked at independently of all other risks and problems.
The following results attract attention towards the nuclear power plants to be used for energy production main source:
This result is really surprising because if we think about how nuclear power is praised as solution to global warming by politicians like George W. Bush and Tony Blair.Instead of talking about measures to increase the energy efficiency which is important about 80% of the effects, some politicians propagandize about building nuclear power plants, which according to IEA can only account for 10% of the desired effects. Here the focus is clearly on the wrong subject and people opinion about nuclear energy production.There is no lobby unfortunately for energy efficiency, except perhaps some environmental organizations. The nuclear industry however, does have quite a strong lobby world-wide and its aid.
Why to use nuclear power?
If reason is to focus only upon avoiding the emission of CO2 and if all other side effects are neglected, then nuclear energy can indeed contribute to the solution. But keeping mind about nuclear energy benefits of last survival for mankind, we need to look deeply into the matter because the option we choose today may not become problem for tomorrow which needs to be studied under broader prospective.
Dev is keener in bringing new and interesting topics forward. This desire has driven him in the right path and made him a pro in writing about eco-friendly gadgets and technologies. He delivers apt information by combining facts, figures, and research.