I've found that with most solar-powered lights for the garden, that they have a very artificial look about them. Most often, the solar lights you get are in a black or silver finish, which can look very out of place in a garden. For something a little different, the Oak-Effect Solar Post Lights looks just like wood, but still give you the useful and attractive garden lighting.
The frosted LEDs switch on for about 8 hours at night, and charge via the solar panel during the day. The posts are a plastic finish that have been moulded and coloured to look like wood. It would be nice to see some real wood variations, as these would not be any more difficult to make.
For £24, you get a pack of four lights, each measuring 6cm in diameter, and 26cm heigh. The stake part of the lights measures a steady 10cm.
Dan is a well-experienced author who is interested in exploring new things related to eco-friendly gadgets and technologies. He never lets any latest technology go off his sight. Being passionate about contributing to the clean environment, he writes articles on the latest renewable gadgets and other energy-saving technologies.